I have a user control which has some tools on ultratoolbarsmanager1 and Ultragrid, the tools are intended to take action on a UltraGrid .
I am using this user control on some form which in turn has its own tools on ultratoolbarsmanager2 for the form’s custom actions.
Both ultratoolbarsmanagers are intended to take action on gri in user control.
I could merge the toolbars using MdiParentManager property but I want them to position now.
Both are getting displayed on a single row which is how I wanted them.
But I want to place custom tools on Left side and user control tools on right side.
Option which did not work for me was:
1. To add the tools from ultratoolbarsmanager2 to ultratoolbarsmanager1, and position tools adding a transparent label in it whose Spring=True to position tools.
Which is a known issue.
2. However I do not want to copy to XML(SaveAsXML()) and load from there, and then manipulate.
Is there any way to achieve “place custom tools ultratoolbarsmanager2) on Left side and user control tools(ultratoolbarsmanager1) on right side.”?
Note- I want to position toolbars one at rightmost corner of the the row and other at leftmost corner of the row when the form is maximized.
Hello Vani,
I believe that you could use the 'PaddingLeft' property of the first(the right placed) toolbar in order to achieve this. Please let me know if this works for you.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Hi, this is Vani.
The padding left property does not work.
However i created a panel on RHS and docked my toolbar to it but that is not a good solution
That is a workaround.
This works fine for me. Could you please attach if possible a small project in which this property does not work, I will be happy to investigate it further for you.
no, you can close this request.