I have a Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTree with the following properties
.ViewStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.ViewStyle.Standard
.Override.SelectionType = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.SelectType.Extended
.Override.NodeStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.NodeStyle.CheckBox
The tree has 3 levels. Each level is binded to a datatable which belong to a single dataset. I would like to add a column specifically for the checkbox for each of the 3 tables. Doing so would allow me to change the underlying data structure and the state of the check box would change automatically. How would I be able to achieve this? I would very much appreciate any suggestion or guidance.
Kind regards,
Hello Farshid,
Your settings are fine and the only thing left is to make the column of type 'bool' in order to achieve the desired behavior.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Hellp Pappu,
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements.Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
Hi Boris,
Have you got the any idea for placing multiple checkbox at ultratree node?
Thanks for you reply. Please find the attached screen shot which I want to achieve.
Hi Pappu,
Could you please attach screenshot and point where you like to have another checkbox? I am not entirely sure what is the structure of your control.
I have ultrawintree with node style is checkbox.
my tree structure is lilke below
checkbox + parent
checkbox + child1
checkbox + child2
checkbox + child3 after this label i need another checkbox based on data available in database.
can you help me for the same