I have a semi-tansparent user control with UtraScrollBars. I am trying to make scrollbars transparent (see thorough) by setting Apperance BackColor,BackColor2 to Transparent, BackColorAlpha to UseAlphaLevel and AlphaLevel to 100. What am I missing?
Please try setting the AlphaLevel to 255. I will be waiting for your feedback.
Unfortunately it did not make any difference.
Could you please send a sample project in which you want me to make the scrollbars transparent. I will be happy to assist you further.
I think that setting the scrollbar's transparency has an effect in relation to the container in which it is situated, the UserControl in this case. So setting the transparency of the UserControl will have an effect towards Form1. I believe that the scrollbar does not have any knowledge of Form1 regarding BackColor, so I think that there is not any problem with UltraScrollbar. I tried this with the Microsoft 'Button' control and it is working the same way.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
This will definitely be hard to implement and then keep the consistency of the control. Here are some useful links:
Do you think I can use DrawFilter somehow to achive this?