Good morning,
I have two cells that have to be setup with a dropdown list of items with the checkbox selection feature.
To allow user to make multiple selections for the item.
It appears to work great. Both have their selection lists and the checkboxes next to them.
The thing is the first list only shows one item, the first in the checked off list, as checked off.
Even though the items appear in the list as checked off.
The second list works perfectly fine and shows the number of items checked off.
Both use the same code to set themselves up and to read back what was selected.
So why does the first one only show one item checked off when there is more then one actually checked off?
Hope that explains things. Code below.
Under the grids InitializeRow sub:
objDDL = objTools.DBuwEdComboInit(objDDL, (strSQLIs), strWhoAmI, msUserName, strConnStrToUse)
Dim objTool As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ComboBoxToolobjTool = uwTBMgr.Ribbon.Tabs("Home").Groups("Home - Available Reports").Tools("Reports")Select Case objTool.Text Case "Order List Details" With objDDL .AutoCompleteMode = Infragistics.Win.AutoCompleteMode.Suggest .SortStyle = Infragistics.Win.ValueListSortStyle.Ascending .DropDownStyle = Infragistics.Win.DropDownStyle.DropDown Dim intVisItemcount As Integer = objDDL.Items.Count If (intVisItemcount > 100) Then intVisItemcount = 100 End If .MaxDropDownItems = intVisItemcount .CheckedListSettings.CheckBoxStyle = Infragistics.Win.CheckStyle.CheckBox End With Case Else End Select e.Row.Cells("Value/Choices").EditorComponent = objDDL
And when I am reading back the items checked off,
-- 2nd Cell read back, on the next rowDim intItemsSelected As Integer = DirectCast(uwGrid_RptFilters.Rows(intFilterOn).Cells("Value/Choices").EditorComponent, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraComboEditor).CheckedItems.CountIf (intItemsSelected > 0) Then Dim intItemsIDX As Integer = 0 While (intItemsIDX < intItemsSelected) strItemIs = DirectCast(uwGrid_RptFilters.Rows(intFilterOn).Cells("Value/Choices").EditorComponent, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraComboEditor).CheckedItems(intItemsIDX).DisplayText msFilters(3) = msFilters(3) & "''" & strItemIs & "'', " intItemsIDX += 1 End While 'check for last COMA strItemIs = msFilters(3) strItemIs = StrReverse(StrReverse(strItemIs).Substring(2, (StrReverse(strItemIs).Length - 2))) msFilters(3) = strItemIsElse msFilters(3) = .Rows(intFilterOn).Cells("Value/Choices").Text Select Case msFilters(3) Case "", "--- Choose One ---" msFilters(3) = "" Case Else msFilters(3) = " ''" & msFilters(3) & "'' " End SelectEnd If
This one is driving me nuts.
That first dropdownlist is just refusing to actknowledge that any of the checkboxes after the first one is checked off. yet it shows it as such.
And the 2nd on, in the same column just the next row, works perfectly fine.