I have an Ultragrid on which I manually define a layout using GroupLayout style. This is the image of the starting grid when I open my form at runtime:
There are both vertical and horizontal scrollbars because there are a lot of columns.
If I use the horizontal scrollbar to see the columns on the right, there are some "refresh" problems, and this is the result:
There is also a problem with the rightmost column, that is cut (it seems it is hidden by the vertical scrollbar)
What could be the problem?
Hello mtgc,
Are you handling the 'After/BeforeColRegionScroll' events or a similar event? If you are, please provide the code, otherwise, if possible attach a small sample project reproducing this for me, so I could take a look at it and assist you further on this.
In attach you can find a sample project
It shows both problems (refresh when you scroll to the right and last column/last row partially hidden by scrollbars)
I am sorry but the site keep giving me an error when I try to attach the file (it's less then 200Kb)
If it is less than 200kb you should be able to attach it. What error are you receiving? Please try again and if you are not able to attach it I will create a private case for you. I will be waiting for your feedback.
How did you solve the problem of vertical scrollbar cutting the last column? I am facing the same issue.
Please help.
Yes, I saw this code. Thank you for sharing this with us. Our community members could benefit from this thread as well.
Please feel free to let me know if a question about our toolset comes up on your mind.
While I was preparing the test project I discovered the problem.
On that grid I had the properties MaxColScrollRegions and MaxRowScrollRegions set to 10, and there were 2 scrolling regions (both for column and rows) just open on the loading of the form. Deleting these 4 scrolling regions from the Designer.vb now the grid has the correct behaviour. You can see that in my sample project opening the frmConsultazioneCassaBanca.Designer.vb.
I dont know how I could have added the scrolling regions in designer view.
Your project contains a reference to a dll called SeritelControls, which is referencing a different version of the Infragistics assemblies than the one I have on my machine. So it's very difficult for me to run your sample. Do you really need this reference? If so, can you include the source code, so I can rebuild it with the latest service release?
Any suggestion after testing my sample project?