Hi everyone,
I have a hierachical DataSource where a UltraGridBand can have several childs. I display the names of the childs in the header via the Key property of a Band. Now my question: Is it possible to order the childbands alphabetically using the Keys? I know that I can sort rows in a band, but I'm not sure if I can sort childbands by their name.
Hi Renelope,
There's no sorting functionality for child bands, but you can control the order of sibling child bands in the grid using the SortedIndex property on the band. So set SortedIndex to 0 for the band you want to display first, then set it to 1 for the next band and so on.
Hi Mike I need to reorder the childs bands too, so I write the next code to the InitializeLayout Grids method:
UltraGridBand myfirstband = this.grdEmploy.DisplayLayout.Bands[3];
myfirstband.SortedIndex = 0;
But I have a message that property it´s read only, How can I reorder my childs bands?
Alejandro Castrejon