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group by row update issue

Hey all!

I am currently setting a group by row called Description programmaticly and hiding the group by box. My problem is im updating the description programmatically based on another incident on the form. I need the description to update and the groupby to re-sort after the description has changed. Currently the property inside the object is changing but not the group by. I have tried .ActiveRow.RefreshSortPosition() to no avail.


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  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    Is the row that you are updating the ActiveRow? It doesn't neccessarilyy make it active because you updated it.

    Even if it is, this may not work because refreshing the sort position of a single row will only affect that row. It won't necessarily affect the GroupByRow to which it belonged previously or to which is belongs now (assuming it changed groups).

    I think when you have grouping, you really need to refresh the sorting of the entire band and not just a single row.

