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Using RowSelect, but want DoubleClickCell to use CellSelect

I am using a readonly grid with

ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.RowSelect;

However if the user double clicks a cell I want them to be able to copy the cell.  I have been trying to use different functions in the DoubleClickCell event, but cant figure out the right combination.  When I try setting the clickaction to cellselect in the doubleclick event it isnt activated until the next cell click.

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    So, just to be clear, you want the user to double-click on a cell and copy only the contents of that one cell to the clipboard? Is that right?

    How are you copying the data to the clipboard? I'm guessing you probably tried to use PerformAction or PerformMultiCellOperation, but these probably will not work, since these simulate user actions and the user cannot select a cell.

    What I would do is simply use the Clipboard object and call SetValue to put the value of the cell onto the clipboard yourself. This is easy, since it's just one cell and you don't have to worry about separators or complex data.

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