Hi All,
I would like to know if it is possible to override the UltraExpandableGroupBox control in a way so that when it collapses, it actually doesn't collapse all the way, it leaves a 'row' of controls visible to the user.So like....
instead of
but expanded it might be
I use the 2007 vol 1 controls as I am still bound to .NET 1.1
I'm not sure if I can somehow trap an event to control the size of the UltraExpandableGroupBoxPanel used for the interior, or if I need to override some other classes/events.
Could somebody tell me if in principle this is possible? or maybe an alternative way?
Many Thanks
Hello Chris,
I will be happy to assist you with your question.
I have created a sample that demonstrates how you achieve the requested behavior with the latest version of NetAdvantage (12.1). Unfortunantly, because NetAdvantage 2007.1 is an older unsupported version, I will not be able to test this under those requirements. Please run the sample and use the code provided to see if this is possible under NetAdvantage 2007.1 and .NET 1.1.
Please let me know if you have additional questions regarding this matter.
Many Thanks Jose,
That is exactly what I'm looking for, that also works in the .net 1.1 code by changing where you get the current mouse locations (as below)
Point clientPoint = ultraExpandableGroupBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
Just one final question, is it possible (maybe in the code provided with the objects involved) to toggle the button on the header line in order to indicate that it is collapsed / expanded. I'm guessing this could be done with images used as replacements as an easy way of doing this, however I would prefer to use the default indicators if possible (they are better than my images!) ?
Many Thanks,
The ultraExpandableGroupBox doesn't change its button image because it technically never collapses. The only way to change the image of the button would be to manually change the image everytime the button is clicked. You should be able to accomplish this behavior using a Draw Filter (click here for more information). Please let me know if you require assistance with implementing a draw filter for the sample I provided.
Hi, What zip file you uploaded it s works but I found Expandable group box was in expand mode on load of form but I required to show few control on load when Expanded Groupbox in collapse mode.Please reply I am waiting