this.ultraNavigationBar1.RootLocation.Text = @"C:\CMT\";
this.ultraNavigationBar1.RootLocation.Text = @"C:\CMT";
gives me this error:
An UltraNavigationBarLocation cannot contain the PathSeparator in any part of the text which is used to identify it when parsing a navigation path.
How do I specify a starting folder?
I solved my question above with:
ultraNavigationBar1.NavigateTo("C:\\CMT", true);
My question now is how do I prevent the user from going to the parent of the root I navigate to. IE... I want to just let them navigate within a certain root folder or it's sub folders.
Hello rookertrusted,
Please note that it is not possible to use PathSeparator in the DisplayText or Text properties. If you want to achieve desired behavior, you should use InitializeLocations event, Locations Collection. More details you could find in our online documentation:
Also please take a look at the attached sample where I`m using UltraNavigationBar.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hello Ross,
rookertrusted said: My issue is not in the navigation bar but in the tvwFolders UltraTree in the "Infragistics FileExplorer" sample. I have the navigation bar in this defaulting but since the UltaTree logic starts with Desktop and My Computer I need the code to change this to start with something like "C:\Downloads".
My issue is not in the navigation bar but in the tvwFolders UltraTree in the "Infragistics FileExplorer" sample. I have the navigation bar in this defaulting but since the UltaTree logic starts with Desktop and My Computer I need the code to change this to start with something like "C:\Downloads".
I`m not sure that I understand what is your issue. At the begining we are talking about UltraNavigationBar and how to set initial path. I do not understand what is your issue with UltraTree and what exactly doesn`t work in the "Infragistics FileExplorer" sample.
Let me know if you have any questions.
PLEASE, I beg you. YOUR SAMPLE Infragistics FileExplorer" has this section of code in it. How do I set it to NOT USE "DESKTOP" or "MYCOMPUTER" but rather "C:\DOWNLOADS". PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE look at YOUR SAMPLE. This uses a a Navigation bar but the code below in YOUR SAMPLE also displays a beautiful tree to the left that in NOT A NAVIGATIONBAR. HELP, HELP, HELP
private void PopulateRoot()
// Add Desktop Node to the tree
UltraTreeNode desktopNode = this.tvwFolders.Nodes.Add("Desktop", "Desktop");
desktopNode.Override.NodeAppearance.Image =
desktopNode.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image =
// Set up the root location of the navigation bar as the Desktop location
UltraNavigationBarLocation desktopLocation = this.unbFolders.RootLocation;
desktopLocation.Key =
desktopLocation.Settings.Appearance.Image =
// Don't include the text of the Desktop location in the full path of it's children.
// This is so that children of the Desktop and My Computer locations have the correct path
// like Windows Explorer. For example, "C:\Program Files" is a complete path.
// It should not be "Desktop\My Computer\C:\Program Files"
desktopLocation.IncludeTextInFullPath =
// The tree will be the central driving force of this application, so give the location a
// reference to the corresponding node in the tree.
desktopLocation.Tag = desktopNode;
// Add the My Computer node to the tree
UltraTreeNode myComputerNode = desktopNode.Nodes.Add("MyComputer", "My Computer");
myComputerNode.Override.NodeAppearance.Image =
myComputerNode.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image =
// Add the My Computer location to the navigation bar.
UltraNavigationBarLocation myComputerLocation = desktopLocation.Locations.Add("MyComputer", "My Computer");
myComputerLocation.Settings.Appearance.Image =
// Don't include the text of the My Computer location in the full path of it's children.
// like Windows // Explorer. For example, "C:\Program Files" is a complete path.
myComputerLocation.IncludeTextInFullPath =
myComputerLocation.Tag = myComputerNode;
// Assign the folder/open folder icons for all generic folders
this.tvwFolders.Override.NodeAppearance.Image = this.IconManager.GetBitmap(IconName.FolderSmall);
this.tvwFolders.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image = this.IconManager.GetBitmap(IconName.FolderOpenSmall);
// Assign the folder icons for all generic folders
this.unbFolders.LocationSettings.Appearance.Image = this.IconManager.GetBitmap(IconName.FolderSmall);
// Expand and select the Desktop node
desktopNode.Expanded =
desktopNode.Selected =
You could achieve desired behavior if you add this single line of code at the end of
private void InitializeUI() method:
unbFolders.NavigateTo("C:\\Users\\Public\\Downloads", true);
Please take a look at the attached sample and new behavior
PS. Please note that this is the path of my machine. If your path is different, just change it.
This is now got to be answereed Friday morning asap or the client has told me to not use IG. I love IG.... please help. Call me at 410-459-8172
After our phone conversation and Live session, here is the new sample with desired behavior. Please take a look at the attached sample and video file for more details and let me know if you have any questions.
I made the changes per your video and they are perfect. Thanks so much.
the sample code you sent is not the one that I needed. I need the sample code that was in the videos.
Video Part 3
Video Part 2