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Override AppStylist ActiveRow Settings

I am attempting to override the appStylist theme setting for the Active UltraGridRow.  Even if I False UseOSThemes, and False UseAppStyling I can not override the Active UltraGridRow Appearance.  The purpouse is to provide a visual to the user that will indicate when an object is selected or not.  This functionality works fine once the AfterSelectChange event is fired, i.e. activate a new row.  I need to change the appearance of the active row itself.  For instance if I click once on a row it should activate with the themed appearance.  If I click on that row once more it should change the apperance of the active row.

Here's a simple example of one way I have tried.


Row.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White;

Row.Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.GlassBottom37Bright;

Row.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.Green;

Row.Appearance.BackColorAlpha = Alpha.Opaque;

Row.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Black;


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