I have an UltraWinGrid (version 12.1.20121.2038) bound to a dataset consisting of 2 tables and 2 relations There is a parent child relation and a recursive relation for the parent. I have a limit of 5 on the MaxBandDepth. In my recursive levels, a level 3 row won't delete. It gives me the delete dialog message but does nothing when I select the Yes button. I can delete levels 5, 4, 2 and 1, but not 3. Any clues? There are level 1 rows created with the level 2 and higher recursions which I have hidden. For test purposes I unhid these level 1 rows and they are deleted when the lower levels are deleted except for level 3. If I delete the level 1 row that's the duplicate of level 3, the level 3 then deletes, but I don't want to show those level 1 rows. Is there sonething I need to do?
Hi Ron,
That's really weird. I can't see any reason why level 3 should be any different than any other level in a recursive data source.
Can you reproduce the problem in a small sample project and post it here so we can take a look? If we can duplicate the issue, we can tell you exactly why it's happening.
Here you go. I discovered using the grid.DataSource = dataset instead of bindingSourcce seems to work. I also commented out the parent-child Table2 and relation for simpler testing. Use the Add buttons to Add Table1 and then subsequent NestedRelations and the Delete key to delete a row. The second NestedRelation won't get removed from the screen using the bindingSource but does using dataset. What's the best way to handle this?
Hello Ron,
Your case number is CAS-98127-J4J1N3. I`ll send you additional information thorugh the case regarding your issue. Let me know if you have any questions.
I ran your sample and I am seeing the problem you describe. I looked into this briefly and it looks like this is a bug in the grid. The grid is failing to get the BindingManager for the third band for some reason. So this is something we need to look into in more detail.
I am going to forward this thread over to Infragistics Developer Support so they can create a case for you and write this issue up for developer review so we can get it fixed.