is it possible for an UltraDockManager to maximize floating control in second display? Just like VS2010 does.
Could you please try that:
if (e.Pane.DockedState == Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.DockedState.Floating) (e.Pane as DockableControlPane).Control.FindForm().WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
In AfterToggleDockState and/or AfterDockChange events.
Please review my sample.
Please feel free to let me know if a question about our toolset comes up on your mind.
It throws a NullReferenceException. So I simply write:
if (e.Pane.DockedState == Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.DockedState.Floating)
But this is not what I expected. I'm not maxmizing the form , but the floating control in the second display.
And when a control is floating, the maximize button is disabled, how can I enable it?
Hello anakincn,
You could take a look at the following forum thread about this:
I have resolved this problem.
Thank you for your kindness.
Hello ,
Could you please post small screen shot of how this button should look.
I am waiting for your feedback.
Thank Hristo for your answer. It is very helpful to me!
And I have a question.
How can i set ButtonStyle of ButtonUIElement. ButtonStyle of ButtonUIElement is read only property. so I dervied ButtonUIElement class and override ButtonStyle property. as following code. but the following code doesn't work.
public class CButtomUIElementEx : Infragistics.Win.ButtonUIElement{ private UIElementButtonStyle buttonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.OfficeXPToolbarButton;
public UIElementButtonStyle StyleOfButton { get { return buttonStyle; } set { buttonStyle = value; } }
public override UIElementButtonStyle ButtonStyle {
get { return buttonStyle; } }
public CButtomUIElementEx(UIElement parent) : base(parent) { }
I wanna change style of ButtonUIElement. How can i do it?
I’ve tried the link posted by Boris:
and it brings me to the pointed thread. However I am reposting the answer with the sample from the mentioned forum thread, which was verified as answer:
“Hello ,
As far as I understand you are trying to mimic behavior of Visual Studio 2010, where you could maximize floating windows. The Maximize/Minimize buttons on the dock pane are used to maximize/minimize a control pane within a group pane. If there is only one control pane within the group pane, these buttons will be disabled. But you could achieve a behavior very close to this of Visual Studio, if you add a button with creation filter to the floating window, and on click of this button to resize the floating window to occupies the screen. I have implement my suggestion in a small sample, please see attached sample.
More information about creation filter you could find on the following link:
I hope that this will helps you
This Link is failed.
Let me know the way. plz~~~