I have a graph in mind that I want to build, and I tried playing around with the samples I got online and from some forum posts, but I ended up not being able to come close to having text on the y-axis with dates on the x-axis and multiple overlapping bars. It looks like a Gantt chart but I think its different enough that we should be using the WinForms UltraChart as its base.
Each y-axis label like AJ or D has two bars in it, a white and a black. They are supposed to overlap a little bit as you can see at the right of the chart.
There is a requirement that sometimes these white lines are going to look choppy (i'll post another picture to demonstrate this), so the implementation needs to be flexible enough to handle that.
Does anyone have any idea how I can build this with the UltraWinChart?
I am using infragistics v11.2.
Thank you.
Here is the more 'choppy' version.
Hello Robert,
I try to create a small sample for you with desired behavior. Could you please take a look at the attached sample and video file for more details and let me know if you have any questions.