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Selecting cells only, not rows

I need to select the cells in the grid only, and I have been thwarted at every turn. Each row of my grid has different cells which are disabled with a back color of LightGray. When I select a cell in the grid, the entire row is being highlighted and I can't see which cells are enabled and which are disabled.

I have tried every combination of RowActivation, CellActivation that is possible. Does not work. 

I have tried setting BackColorAlpha to Transparent for both the ActiveRowAppearance and SelectedRowAppearance. This does not work. The highlighted row renders white. White <> transparent. I can't see my grayed out cells on the row that is selected.

I have tried setting BackColor = Transparent, BackColorAlpha = UseAlphaLevel, AlphaLevel = 1. This throws an exception inside of Paint.

Is is that unusual for someone to want to select one cell in a grid? How can I accomplish this?

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    I don't understand your question. You described the behavior that you are getting, but you did not say what's wrong with it. What exactly is the behavior you want?

    If you want to select cells and not rows, then you should set SelectTypeRow to None and SelectTypeCell to whatever setting is most appropriate for your needs.

    You might also want to look at the CellClickAction property.

     All of these properties are on the Override. 


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