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GroupLayout and Fixed Columns


I have a grid, with the RowLayoutStyle set to RowLayoutStyle.GroupLayout so I can create the headers as in the picture below. I now want to fix the two left hand columns so they stay visible when the user scrolls the grid. However, specifying fixed columns as per this example does not work with RowLayoutStyle set to RowLayoutStyle.GroupLayout, even when I also set all the group headers and column to fixed. 

I have also tried to get it working using column scroll regions as per this example, but the headers (set on both columns and groups) do not honor the ExclusiveColScrollRegion property so I get all columns in both scroll regions.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


  • 469350
    Offline posted


    Fixed header are not supported in GroupLayout or ColumnLayout mode. They cannot be, because columns in these modes can overlap or be arranged in a way that they don't line up horizontally.

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