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Installing Win Forms application from UNC path

We are using the UltraGrid in a win forms application that is distributed through a UNC path.

When we publish the application, and the user tries to run it we get the error: The application requires that assembly Infragistics2.Win.Misc.v12.1 version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.

Because this is a corporate application, running a seperate instal on everyones PC that might someday get this application is unreasonable. How do I get the library to install from the publish wizard.


Thank you


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  • 53790
    Verified Answer

    Hello Andre,

    Andre Kramer said:
    When we publish the application, and the user tries to run it we get the error: The application requires that assembly Infragistics2.Win.Misc.v12.1 version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first

    If I understand well your issue, one possible reasons to get the error "The application requires that assembly Infragistics2.Win....." after publish your application, could be if you didn`t distribute infragistics assemblies that you are using into your application.  To solve this problem you should explicitly set "PublishStatus" to be "Include" for these assemblies.

    I already was able to reproduce this scenario at a two different machine. The first one (my machine) has Infragisitcs assemblies and the second one is without Infragistics assemblies. When I set "Publish Status" = "Include" I was able to run the sample at the second machine, otherwise I get the same error that you describe in your first post.

    Please take a look at the atatched screenshot and video file and let me know if you have any questions.

