Hi there,
I'm looking how to permit my application to select dates inferior to the minvalue allowed by the infragisctics control DateTimeEditor?
I'd like to bind dates that can be located equal to 01/01/0001.
Best regards, Yoann.
The UltraDateTimeEditor is bound to the same constraints that the .NET MonthCalendar has, which is contrainted to CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.Calendar.MinSupportedDateTime; this amounts to "1/1/1753" in Western calendars. I'm not sure if the UltraCalendarCombo has the same restriction.
I am running into this issue when our offshore team attempted to use English(India), where the default format for min is 01-01-0001. Is there some way this can be managed.
Thanks for your answer Matt, it's now a little bit clean in my minds.
Unfortunelly, this is an obligation for me to use this control because I need a DateTime mask for keyboard input.Have you an answer to resolve my problem? Changing the component is not a problem, I just need to go to 01/01/0001 and having a mask.
In advance, thank you.