I am using Infragistic 10.2 and reading excel file using Infragistic.excel
1) To read formula attached to a cell.
Below is the code for reading :
Workbook workbook1 = Workbook.Load("filename.xls");
Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet worksheet = workBook.Worksheets["DifferentFormats"];
string aValue;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
aValue = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].value;
aValue is reading =T("1299") whereas it has to read 1299 and ignore formula applied to that cell.
Searched on infragistic site and found to use "GetText" property but in version of infragistic to able to find this property.
Due to some restrictions , can't upgrade infragistic version . Can any one suggest any solution for this problem or any sample of code which can read such values.
Please need solution on urgent basis.
Getting the Value property should return the calculated value. However it looks like we don't have support for the T function, so this should actually return a #NAME? error. It looks like the only option is to manually parse the formula and see if the "T" function is being used and if so, get its argument's value. I can't think of another option at this point.
What can be doen incase vlookup like formula which is applied to the cell.
Can we request for any patch from infragistics which can be added with Infragistics2.excel.v10.2 and which can solve the problem.
Which version of infragistics has separate property to read value generated from formula?
I am not talking about any update here. Just changing the assemblies. What could possibly do this to the application? Please let me know, I think that I misunderstood you.
I have understood that you are refering to change the assemblies. But we are using infragistics2.excel and their are many methods which are refered from Infragistics2 in my application. So this is causing impact on my application to large extent.
So asking is there any simple solution. I will try with Infragistics3 and let you know.
Using Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v10.2 and this Infragistics3.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.v10.2 will work properly. It will not have version conflict.We have overrided many methods of CGDATAGRID which is of Infragistics2.
Thanks alot for solving my one issue. I have updated in my application Infragistics3 and it is working fine. Thanks for your quick and useful replies.
I will check regarding service release suggested for formula and update you by tomorrow.
It is very to hear this! I will be waiting for your feedback.
Will 2035 service release for v10.2 solve my problem of reading any formula field like T("1299") , VLOOKUP(), SUM(C1,C2) or just VLOOKUP().
Because currently with Netadvantage 10.2 WIN CLR2x , it reading #Name in value property for all above formula.
Need confirmation on this to proceed further for downloading this service. Thanks in advance.