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Override multi-select displayed value when all rows are selected

Is there a way to override the displayed value of multi-select combo-box when all the rows are selected? We want to store the value All instead of the enumerated values. The problem with the enumerated value is that when a new record is added, the new record is not part of the selection. When using the header column Select All checkbox, the user impression seems to be selecting all values including newly created ones (which is like I select this table) instead of selecting what is currently available (which is like I select these rows of the table).  

  • 53790
    Suggested Answer

    Hello jquerijero,

    There are different approaches to solve this task. One possible option could be if you build your own userControl. I made small sample for you using this approach. Could you please take a look at the atatched sample for more details and let me know if you have any questions.



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