I am using UltraWinSchedule v 10.3 and using print functionality.
Now my problem is that i want to show One day per Page in Print and i has UltraDayView with selected range of 5 days with 2 different owners and are grouped owner wise.
so how is it possible to do so.My code snippet is:
UltraSchedulePrintDocument ultraSchedulePrintDocument1 = new UltraSchedulePrintDocument();
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarInfo = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarInfo;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarLook = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarLook;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDayView = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.ExcludeNonWorkingDays =false;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintRange = SchedulePrintRange.Selection;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartDate = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges[0].StartDate;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndDate = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges[0].EndDate;
ultraPrintPreviewDialog1.Document = ultraSchedulePrintDocument1;
Hello avlindia,
I tried this and it always works fine for me so I attached my sample to this post for you. Please review it and feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I have added 2 owners and updated GroupingStyle property to DateWithinOwner i sample and it stopped working as expected.
Please add my settings to your sample and check.
public Form1()
ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("User1", "User1");
ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("User2", "User2");
ultraDayView1.GroupingStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayViewGroupingStyle.DateWithinOwner;