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Form with UltraToolbarsManager doesn’t inherit style – office 2010 silver.

I am using AppStylist for WinForms. I have one parent Form and two child forms.

I am loading a style using Infragistics.Win.AppStyling.StyleManager.Load on the parent form.


First child is using UltraFromManager - everything looks nice, style is matching main window – silver

Second child is  using UltraToolbarsManager and is not inheriting style loaded by main window – form is blue not silver.


Please see attached sample project.
  • 53790
    Verified Answer

    Hello witepo,

    Thanks for attached sample. I saw the mentioned behavior, but it is expected (by design). Our UltraToolbarManger inherite your style from the Form1, but please note that UltraToolbarManager didn`t modify your Form`s borders, captions and so on. That`s why you should use both controls - UltraToolbarManager and UltraFormManager. Please take a look at the modifications that I made into your sample and let me know if you have any questions.



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