I'd need to reset the Infragistics toolbars location, in order do not have empty spaces between toolbars. Is there a way to do it?
Hi serhiol,
It is not clear enough to me what you want to do here. How are you getting these spaces? You could position the toolbars next ot each other at design time and if a tool then is removed, this would not affect its parent position.
There is not the question of design time.
The user moves the toolbars in runtime as it whish. It can leave spaces.
So, a solution will be do not allow to the user to leave spaces at all, or to stick the toolbars after the user leaves the toolbar from moving.
All this in a docked toolbar. I'd like that the toolbars be arranged from left to right, and it's the case when the form containing toolbars is just opened.
But once the user moves these toolbars in the docked area, the toolbars remains at the place where it was left, leaving spaces between them, like in the printscreen above.
Hello, Boris.
Unfortunately, this did not not help.
And this does not allow to the user to move the toolbars. I should leave the user to move the toolbars, but in some moments (when, say, the user changes the current tab in the form) I need to "alighn to left" the toolbars (remove the empty spaces).
Hello serhiol,
Thank you for the details and your feedback. What you could do is to save the layout of the component and load it in those moments.
The methods you would need are 'SaveAsXml' and 'LoadFromXml'.
Hi, Boris
What kind of component? I did
Me._ToolbarsManager.SaveAsXml("C:\test.tst", True) Me._ToolbarsManager.LoadFromXml("C:\test.tst")
but this did not help...
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements(move one of the toolbars and press the button in the bottom right corner). Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
I tried
Me._ToolbarsManager.RightAlignedMenus = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True Me._ToolbarsManager.RightAlignedMenus = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False
does not work... (
I have obtained this
I need just to align them to Left, but not to put to left all the toolbars each in a new column...
This is because the user is able to move the toolbars, but that toolbars should be always Aligned to left, and not restored as it was when the form was open.
I observed the every time I close and reopen the form, the alignment is OK.
I did
For intI As Integer = 0 To Me._ToolbarsManager.Toolbars.Count - 1 Dim objToolbar As UltraToolbar = Me._ToolbarsManager.Toolbars(intI) objToolbar.DockedRow = objToolbar.DockedRow objToolbar.DockedColumn = objToolbar.DockedColumn Next intI
I need something like objToolbar.ResetPosition() or AlignToLeft()