Does AppStylist prevent DrawElement from firing? I have a grid using AppStylist and I want borders between column goups. The GetPhasesToFilter is firing which includes
if (drawParams.Elelemnt is CellUIElement)
return Infragistics.Win.DrawPhase.AfterDrawBorders;
However, DrawElement is not firing. How do I get DrawELement to fire. Thanks.
Hi Ron,
If you are returning the AfterDrawBorders phase from GetPhasesToFilter, then the DrawElement should fire for that phase.
The only reason I can think of why it would not work is if the element in question is in a state where it is not drawing any borders. I doubt it's specific to AppStylist, and it seems pretty odd for a CellUIElement, but I suppose it's possible that there is some combination of circumstances under which the cell draws no borders.
Are the cells in the grid drawing any borders without the DrawFilter? If not, then they might be deliberately skipping that phase because borders are simply not supported for those elements under the current conditions.
I'm using a modified version of Windows7.isl for the AppStyle, but as far as I know the only change is to remove the row hot tracking. But if I remove the AppStyle library reference,
the DrawElement event does fire, so I guess it's in the style somehwere. I'll keep looking and probably will have more questions. Thanks.