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Column sorting fails on bound grids

I have a grid control that uses a DataTable as a data source.  The following line of code is present in a startup Initialize() function, as well as, in the grid control's InitializeLayout() event handler.

==> gridTable.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderClickAction = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.HeaderClickAction.SortMulti;

I have reviewed the posts about using the BeforeSortChange() and AfterSortChange() event handlers and the sample code posted by members of the forum.  I have even used the .Single option for sorting.  The code samples are syntactically correct and the compiler does not complain.  BUT, no matter which column header I click on at run-time to sort, I see a flicker that lasts a fraction of a second before the column REMAINS UNSORTED.

I have tried just about everything, including working with the smallest dataset (limited number of columns and rows) -- and still the same results.

I have spent so much time on this that I am now hoping that someone here can help me out.  I am convinced at this point that there must be a bug in the grid when it has a "bound" data source.  

Totally perplexed!!

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    I should also point out that that I am aware that I can specify the SortIndicator for any given column to sort manually.

    It is not possible for me to set the SortIndicator because I am unable to predict which columns will be part of the underlying (bound) DataTable.  I want the user to choose which column to sort on, at run-time.

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