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Infragistics no licence information found

I try to load my project after i format my pc from win 7 32bit to win8 64bit(might has something to do with the error) and the infragistic licenses dont work. I have 8 infragistics in my license.licx file and i get 8 errors in visual studio 2008. The error i get is this:

Error 1 Exception occurred creating type 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid, Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v7.1, Version=7.1.20071.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: No license information found C:\Users\Antonis\Desktop\Dropbox\BackUp\PETROLINA\CANTINE\23.04.2013 VISITORS working\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Petrolina receive order\Petrolina receive order\My Project\licenses.licx

And i installed the same version of infragistics i had before. What do i do wrong?

  • 20872
    Offline posted

    Hello Antonis,

    Thank you for your post.

    Could you please open the Licenses.licx file, and remove the Infragistics content from there, after that clean and rebuild your application, and see if this will work for you. If this doesn't help, please feel free to let us know what is the behavior that you are seeing after that.

    In case of other questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

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