I want to display UltraWinGrid Hierarchy bands with Expansion indicators but without indents. Is there any way to achieve this?
Hello Abhijit,
You could try with the 'Indentation' property on the desired child band, like this:
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
e.Layout.Bands[1].Indentation = 0;
Please feel free to let me know if a question about our tool set comes up on your mind.
Indentation = 0 when applied to child bands(after bands(1)) moves the bands to the left but not the Expansion Indicators. My requirement is to move the expansion indicators as well so that all the parent and child bands appear in one line and indicators on the left.
I am not sure what you are talking about. Can you post a screenshot and point where the issue is, so I can try to make it work for you?
I am having a ultragrid with three bands with default indentation as shown in attached file
But when I set the indentation property of 2nd and 3rd band to zero we cant expand the 2nd band to get the third band.
as shown in attached file
basically I want the grid to display just like excel without intendation for all bands as shown in attached file.
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements.Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
I could run the sample send by you but using the property '.indentation' for band and setting it to zero for 2nd and 3rd bands, in output grid we can see the 2nd band only but the 3rd band is invisible as there is no expansion indicator besides 2nd band. Basically I want to achieve zero indentation for all 3 band displayed in the grid (just like in excel- tree grid view shown earlier)
I wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on these suggestions or you still need help.
Please let me know.
The 3rd band is expandable, I am able to expand it with the -> arrow key on the keyboard. Where would you like to see the expansion indicator then? There is no place left because of the indentation. I can image that the users would get very confused if the expansion indicators for the 3rd band are at the same level as the ones for the 1st band.