Hi!I have some questions about the MiniToolbarBackground: We have some segmented Popupmenubuttons in our Toolbar. They can Show a Dropdown menu after klicking the tiny arrow on right side. This arrow is hard to click on for some older customers. So we are looking for an alternative for that. I found that I can trap the mouse-right click of the toolbar via the BeforeToolbarListDropdown which gives me the key of the klicked button. I did get a Suggestion for a Workaround for the size of this arrow, but that did not work (at least for me).
When I now want to Show a MiniToolbar after that click I have some Troubles:
a) do I Need to have an extra Toolbarmanager for every MiniToolbar - I do not see how I can create more than one Minitoolbar for one Toolbarmanagerb) I do not see any possibility to store a reference to a specific one in a ButtonToolc) The Botton tool does not give me the posibility to add a popup menu d) What would be your Suggestion to solve this Task?TIA
Josef Resperger
Hello Josef,
Since I am not entirely sure what is your exact requirement, I have created a sample for you, showing how to use the 'MiniToolbar'(right click on the panel below the toolbar). Please take a look at it and let me know if I misunderstood you. I will be glad to assist you further on that matter.
Hi! - Sorrx I've sent my answer to the E-Mail-adress which is no-reply!
First of all thanks for your investigation and your answer.
This is not really the solution I like.
If the user klicks on the button outside of the drow-down we go to a standard function without using the drowdown. Only if he wishes to change the standard behavior he uses the drop down.
e.g. Open-Button.
In klicking the button we start a standard open dialog. But if he wants to search for date or name or other kriteria he uses the drop-down to change the behavior.
That’s why I would prefer that the user can use the right-mouse on the button to open a menu.
Thanks again
Hello Rasperger,
I wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on Kaloyan's suggestions or you still need help. Please let me know.
Hello Resperger,
You are right that the different properties of the DrodownArrowStyle do not change the size of that small arrow, but if you select for e.g. default "ToolBars" DropDownArrowStyle then the entire button area will be clickable and the client could click anywher on that button. In this way the small size of the arrow will not prevent the user to find and click over the "active" button area. I hope that this approach will work for you.
Could you please let me know if this is working for you and if not plese do not hesitate to contact us.
The different properties of Dropdownarrowstyle do not change anything in its size. See how small the arrow is and how hard it is for people with not so good sight to find it with the mouse:
What I want is to replace this functionality with Right-mouse-click and a popup menu. In my investigations I came accros ths mini-toolbar. But that does not look like a simple solution. Besides that I have a merging toolbar and that approach might not work in that environment.