Hi all,
we currently use this code to create the module "Information" as seen in the screenshot attached:
RibbonTab ribbonTabNew = new RibbonTab( "some key", "Information" );
Is there any way, to set a tool tip on the RibbonTab hat differs from the caption property e.g. the button named "Information" and the tool tip showing "here you get a lot of information inside"
Thanks in advance
Hi WStrittmatter,
Yes, it is possible if you are using ToolTipText and ToolTipTitle property. Take a look at the atatched screenshot for more details.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Georgi,
for the button this is OK. But we want to add a user defined tooltip to the RibbonTab (the yellow tab "ribbon1" in your example). There seems to be no property for TooltipText at RibbonTab.