OnListChanged(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, TargetCount-1);
We do see the new row in the grid. The problem is that we would like to perform some actions when adding a new row to the grid and AfterRowInsert is does not seem to be working.
What have we missed?
As always, thank you in advance.Annie
Hi Annie,
This is correct. AfterRowInsert fires to let you know when the user has added a new row. If you are adding the new row in code or if it is occurring as the result of some other action, then you already have a way of determing that it happened, and you don't need a grid event to tell you so.
You should probably trap the ListChanged event of your data source and use that. Or perhaps expose another event on your data source to indicate after the row has been added.
Hello Mike,
In my specific scenario, I am counting on the grid receiving the notification that a row was added.
So if you have any clues as to why the event is not firing, please let me know and I will investigate. I would like to avoid using the workarounds you provided if possible.
Many thanks,