I'm trying to display selected columns from a datatable in an ultralistview.
When I left out the guid key, it errored with duplicate key values.
The allowduplicates is read only and I'm not clear how to add the key and hide it from display.
I'm viewing the data in Detail mode and adding the data value as subitems.
Hello Rick,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
Is there a reason you're using the UltraListView for this? A much easier option would be to bind the DataTable to an UltraGrid, handle the UltraGrid.InitializeLayout event, and hide any columns you don't want visible.
Using the Grid seemed like overkill.
I am now using the Grid, set the datasource to my datatable, and am hiding the columns I don't want. That works ok.
e.leI want to be able to check multiple columns though, so I inserted a new column of type bool.
When I check one row, it unchecks the other.
Is there a property to let me select multiple checkboxes?