I noticed that, after changing the position of a row in an UltraGrid (to move it to the 1st position), and then printing that grid using its PrintPreview method, the mentioned row appears in its original position in the printed version of the grid. Why is this and how can I print the grid with the rows exactly where they are after moving a row (or several)?
Dim pRow = UltraGrid1.Rows.Band.AddNew()
UltraGrid1.Rows.Move(pRow, 0) '--> it moves the new row to the 1st position
UltraGrid1.PrintPreview() '--> prints the row where it was originally added
Any help?
Hello Mariela,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hi Mitko
Thank you for you answer, unfortunately I cannot update Infragistics to 13.1 for this customer because it doesn't work with the PCs they have (we're waiting until they buy new ones). With their program I'm using infragistics 10.1, not for long, I hope.
Do you know whether the problem I have is indeed something that happens with infragistics 10.1?
Thank you again