I am using RibbonCustomizationProvider to display built-in dialog to customize ribbon. I set StockModificationOptions property to not allow to Edit Tab and Group. When dialog comes up, edit tool is not visible for exisitng Tabs and Groups, which is correct. But when I add a new Tab/group, edit tool is visible for the newly cretaed custom Tag and Group.
Hi rossan01,
Custom Tabs/Groups have nothing to do with StockItemModificationOptions property. You can always add/modify/remove custom Tabs/Groups. For instance, if all the StockItemModificationOptions items are checked except AllowTabModify and AllowGroupModify, the added Custom tabs/groups will still be able to be modified since the StockItemModificationOptions property indicates how default, not custom, tabs/groups and tools can be modified.
You can take a look at the following help topic, called “Using the Ribbon Customization Dialog” http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/WinForms/2013.1/CLR4.0/.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance or if I have not understand you correctly.
Senior Software Engineer in Test
Hi Rossan01,
I am just checking the progress of your issue. Please let me know if you need any assistance.
Hello Rossna01,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need any further assistance on this issue?
I will keep this case open for another three days while I wait for your response. If at that time you haven't responded, I will close this case as inactive. Please note that closed cases may be reopened within thirty days of closure.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components!
Please feel free to let me know if you need any assistance regarding this.
Thanks a lot.
Hello rossan01,
After further research, I have found a way to disable the adding of custom tabs.
This could be achieved by using the BeforeCustomizationDialogDisplayed event handler of the utraRibbonCustomizationProvider control. I have added a method, called REmoveAddingCustomTabsInRibbonCustomizationDialog, that goes through the UI elements of the Ribbon Customization Dialog and is looking for the button with button Name “btnAddTab” (its title is “+ New Tab”), the context menu item with key “NewTab” (its title is “Add New Tab”) and the tree item with text “Create a New Group”. Once these UI elements are found, the button is removed, the context menu item gets invisible and the tree item is removed.
Please take a look at the attached sample and let me know if you need any assistance.
Thanks for the reply. It all makes sence now.
I am just wondering if threre is a way to not allow the user to add custom tabs.