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ultracombp: checkmark all selected values from a datasource

I have an  UltraGrid UltraCombo I'm using for a "Work Type" drop-down where user can select multiple Work Types. The datasource I'm connecting to will bring back all work types and also a column that identifies whether or not the column is selected, the value will be True/False for each row.

How do I list all of the work types and have a checkbox selected next to the work type that is "True"?

            Dim ds As System.Data.DataSet
            ds = PTWFormDataAccess.LoadPTWWorkTypes(formid) 
            Me.ddlWorkTypes.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)

            Dim c As UltraGridColumn = Me.ddlWorkTypes.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns.Add()
            c.Key = "Selected"
            c.Width = 40
            c.Header.Caption = String.Empty
            c.Header.CheckBoxVisibility = HeaderCheckBoxVisibility.Always
            c.DataType = GetType(Boolean)
            c.Header.VisiblePosition = 0

            Me.ddlWorkTypes.CheckedListSettings.CheckStateMember = "Selected"
            Me.ddlWorkTypes.CheckedListSettings.EditorValueSource = Infragistics.Win.EditorWithComboValueSource.CheckedItems
            Me.ddlWorkTypes.CheckedListSettings.ListSeparator = " - "

            Me.ddlWorkTypes.CheckedListSettings.ItemCheckArea = Infragistics.Win.ItemCheckArea.Item
            Me.ddlWorkTypes.DisplayMember = "PTWWorkTypeName"
            Me.ddlWorkTypes.ValueMember = "PTWWorkTypeNamesId"
            Me.ddlWorkTypes.DropDownWidth = 350
            Me.ddlWorkTypes.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("PTWWorkTypeName").Header.Caption = "Work Type"

The above code gets all work types from the work type table. I have a column called "chk_selected" that is either True or False. I want "Selected" to be checked if "chk_selected" is True.

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    I'm having trouble understanding what you are asking. It sounds like you already have a boolean column in your data source, so why are you creating an additional unbound column? It sounds like you want both columns to contain the same value. So why have two columns? Why not just use "chk_selected" as your CheckStateMember directly?

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