Hello, i use a UltraToolsBarManager in my application developed in C#.
But i have a problem because i want to disable the mouse wheel in my ToolsBar. I am not able to disable this event or then to catch in the manager event of my Forms.Can you help me to solve this problem ?
Hello Hary,
I`m not sure that I understand your scenario. Could you please give us more details . Where and how you handle MouseWheel event ? Are you using this event on specific tool. Did you override UltraToolbarsManager ?
Please send us more details about your scenario and final goals. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Georgi,
I'm not override UltraToolbarsManager. I want just to disable MouseWheelEvent in UltraToolbarsManager for the user cannot change item selection in the menu with the mouse wheel.
Thank's for your response.