I've added support for customizing the ribbon to one of our applications, using the ribbopn customization provider. It works okay in as much as I can customize ribbon, but it seems to ignore the customizer caption property of the tools I've put on the ribbon, displaying the caption instead. For example, our app has two tools with the default ribbon caption of "List Invoices". They both refer to different types of invoice, and are found on different tabs of the default ribbon. I've given them different customizer caption and description properties, under each tool's SharedProperties section, but on the customization dialog, they both show as "List Invoices". Is there something else I should be doing
This is using Infragistics 12.1, by the way
Hello Kevin,
I have created support ticket for this issue – CAS-128015-T5L6W6, in order to be able to log this for further investigation of our developers. As soon as I have more information for you I will update your case.
Any update for this problem?
I have met the same problem.
I use VS2012, in the properties editor, I can modify a button tool's SharedProps->CutomizerCapton to a new value, the new value will show in customizer dialog's command list correctly, but if I do not use the properties editor but change the buttonTool.SharedProps.CustomizerCaption property in the code directly, the new value will not show in the customizer dialog's command list, the key value of the buttonTool will always shown. I do not know why.
Please investigate this problem and let me know when there is an update, it might be a bug in infragistics. I use the version 2013.2