Hi guys, just wanted to ask you what's the problem with legend in this chart, it displays the same value for both columns (pic attached). Legend format string is <ITEM_LABEL> - <DATA_VALUE: #0> and chart is column chart. I inserted one row with 3 columns (series name, article 1 value, article 2 value)
I recently made a fix for when binding to a NumericSeries was causing this display to appear... are you binding to a NumericSeries? Try binding to a DataTable instead if you need a workaround.
Let me know how you are binding your chart. Even a quick little sample that you could provide that demonstrates the problem would ensure we are talking about the same thing. The fix is not released yet but I want to confirm that you have the same setup before proceeding.
Matthew, yes, I am binding to NumericSeries, so, yes, we are talking about the same setup. Here is the code belowNumericDataPointCollection data = new NumericDataPointCollection();foreach (DataRow row in dsArticles.Tables[0].Rows){ data.Add(new NumericDataPoint(Convert.ToDouble(text), row[0].ToString(), false));}NumericSeries series = new NumericSeries();series.Points.AddRange(data.ToArray());this.chartArticles.Series.Add(series);
Ok, I'll try to bind it to DataTable. Just interested, when will the fix be released ?