I'm trying to use the UltraTimelineView to display appointments for users. Up the top of each appointment, there is a bar which seems to graphically show which portion of the time period (day in this case) this appointment uses.
For clarity, what I'm talking about can be seen here: http://imgur.com/BzTXp9B (its the blue bars)
They seem to show the appointments position within a 24 hour day. I'd prefer to show the appointments position within a working day (8-9 hours) instead.
Is there anyway of doing this?
Hello Fweeee,
Thanks for attached screenshot. The answer of your question is: "almost yes". Maybe one possible approach to solve this task, could be if you add Primary and Additional Intervals, where the Primary interval is Hours (with interval 2 hours) and your Additional Interval is Days. Also we should set LogicalDayDuration and LogicalDayOffset of your UltraCalenadrInfo. By this way we could determinate the start working hours (for example 08:00 AM) and the working day duration. Please take a look on attached sample and video file for more details about this approach.
If you have any questions, feel free to write me
Thanks Georgi,
Having a look at the screenshots (thanks a lot for those), the first one is by far the closest to what the client wants. (My current state)
Is there some way I can override the blue bar up the top? Maybe some kind of datafilter or something?
You are right. It is possible to override the default functionality if you implement DrawFilter. I made quick modifications into our sample using this approach. Of course it is not fully functional, but you can use it as a starting point for your application.
Please take a look on attached sample for more details and if you have any questions, feel free to write me
Thanks for the feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to write us
Thanks Georgi, thats exactly what i'm after.
Its not perfect, but its a good portion of the way there.
Thanks again.
This is the sample