I'd like to modify ToolTip information in TimeLine. Instead showing Duration I'd like to show a custom column from task.
Is it possible ?
I've found event TaskToolTipDisplaying, but I can't change ToolTipText.
I create new instance of toolTip but I have to reset all value from the original e.ToolTip. There is a way to modify just the text without cloning with reflection the original one ?
There are different approaches to solve this task, but the easiest way is through TaskToolTipDisplaying event. Maybe you could try the code below:
private void ultraGanttView1_TaskToolTipDisplaying(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGanttView.TaskToolTipDisplayingEventArgs e)
ToolTipInfo info = e.ToolTipInfo;
info.DisplayStyle = ToolTipDisplayStyle.BalloonTip;
info.ToolTipText = "My custom information" + Environment.NewLine + "Second row of information"; //e.Task.Resources.ToString();
info.ToolTipText += Environment.NewLine + "My start date "+ e.Task.StartDateTime.ToShortDateString();
info.ToolTipText += Environment.NewLine + "My custom column data:" + e.Task.GetCustomProperty("Key of my custom column");
e.ToolTipInfo = info;
Let me know if you have any questions.
So simple ... I'm ashamed ...
But why can't we modify directly on e.ToolTipInfo?