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How to catch event Cell Changed or TimeLine changed in a Grid (from Gantt control) ?


In a Gantt, I added custom columns, but I need to catch event when a user will change a value. How to do this ?

I don't find event :/

The same when the user modifies the End Date of a task in Timeline, can't we catch event ? 

No Data
  • 53790


    I`m not sure what are your final goals, but maybe you could try one of these events:

    private void ultraGanttView1_CellDeactivating(object sender, CellDeactivatingEventArgs e)


                // You could check for a column`s key. For your custom columns, please verify that you set a Key property.

                 if (e.TaskFieldInfo.TaskFieldKey == "Duration")





    Another possible option could be:


    private void ultraGanttView1_InitializeTaskGridRow(object sender, InitializeTaskGridRowEventArgs e)


              // TO DO 


    This event will fire in both cases (when modify the task through the grid and through the timeline)


    Let me know if you have  any questions
