is it possible somehow to influence the AutoSize logic for columns?
When a user double-click autosize a column. Or even on AutoSize via Column.PerformAutoResize () as well as Band.PerformAutoResizeColumns.
No, I don't think there is any way to intercept that process. You can Submit a Feature Request to Infragistics, though, and maybe we can add this feature in the future.
Can you tell me more about why you want to do this? What do you want to do that the built-in autosizing does not do?
Hi Mike,
We put in the sum cell a graphic before the value (a sum symbol or an average symbol).
The AutoSize does not consider these graphics unfortunately.
Therefore, we would like to influence the AutoSize action to add some more pixel to the width of a column.
The built-in autosizing should be taking images into account. That might be a bug - depending on how you are applying the image.
Could you post a small sample project here that demonstrates the problem so I can check it out?
Hello Vladimir,
I created a private case for you with reference number CAS-132840-Z8Y3Z6 . You could find your private case on https://ko.infragistics.com/my-account/support-activity/ There you will receive more information about this issue.
If you have any questions, feel free to write us
Thanks for the sample.
In the sample you provided, the autosizing is not taking the summary into account at all - regardless of the image.
This is because the grid doesn't include summaries, by default. So I added this line of code to your sample:
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.AutoResizeColumnWidthOptions = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AutoResizeColumnWidthOptions.All;
And now I see the problem you describe. It works correctly when there is no image and doesn't account for the image when there is one.
This is clearly a bug in the grid, so I'm going to ask Infragistics Developer Support to create a case for you and write this up for developer review so we can get it fixed.
hi mike,
a have a samle attached