I have an UltraTree for which I made the node editable by setting LabelEdit and UseEditor to true.
Now I have a single TreeNode for which I want to disable this.
Tried to do it with AllowCellEdit = AllowCellEdit.Disabled, but after this, editing this TreeNode still works...
Any ideas?
Kind regards, Lieven Cardoen
AllowCellEdit is for cells within a node. It's for when the tree is displaying as a grid with cells and columns. So it doesn't affect LabelEdit, which is editing the entire node.
So what you need to do is this:
this.ultraTree1.Nodes[0].Override.LabelEdit = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;
You could also handle the BeforeLabelEdit event and cancel it for any node(s) you want.
Superb, thx! By the way, doesn't Infragistics have a dozen examples about these kind of things so that I don't need to annoy you with possible kind of 'stupid' questions...?