My requirement is to replace the normal right-click menu of the ribbon for certain controls on the ribbon with a custom popup menu.
I create a PopupMenuTool, add it to the UltraToolBarManager, add tools to it.
Then in the _BeforeToolbarListDropdown of the toolbarmanager I cancel = true; to prevent the default menu from popping up
and then :
My custom menu pops up, but the problem is that when I right-click on any control, even a menu, the popup appears in the right place; but when I right-click on a menu item, the popup appears at the top-left of that menu, even though it's not near my mouse position.
Is there something I am missing, or a better way to create my popup menu with custom functions that would appear on right-click of a ribbon control?
You can try using Cursor.Position instead of MousePosition, but it might be better to use the ScreenPoint passed into the BeforeToolbarListDropdown event args. If that still does not work, I would recommend submitting the issue to the support group. The custom menu could be getting repositioned somehow: http://ko.infragistics.com/gethelp.
Hi Mike
Thanks for the reply. I did initially try all of the above mentioned coordinates, but they all get overridden after the pass and the popup gets placed on the menu top-left location.
Will submit the issue.
I m getting the same issue but using <code>Cursor.Position</code>is working fine.
Well I'll be... If you give .ShowPopup an Owner (second argument), it seems to work just fine...Simply specifying a location is not enough..Thank you clazarev!
I'm using the folowing code on MouseUp event
ctlPanelContextMenu.ShowPopup(Cursor.Position, ctlUltraGrid);
and it works. Version is 8.2
clazarev, you are using Cursor.Position and it is showing at the cursor location?ex:
This is not working for meIn fact, it doesn't work even if I give it a specific screen location, for instance:myContext.ShowPopup(New Point(600, 600))
Could you please post a snippet of the code you are using and your build number?