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Problem with UltraCombo as column headers - can't select items


I am using a creation filter to overlay an UltraCombo for all column headers in a grid.  I am experiencing the same problem as this post:  The UltraCombo is appearing in the column header but the drop down does not open and allow me to select items.  I have attached my creation filter code and a screen shot of the grid.

The UltraCombo allows me to set the SelectedRow and/or Text property fine.  However, setting different Appearance properties in the creation filter has no effect (ie, combo.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Indigo; below).

What am I missing?  Any ideas?  Thanks!

Here is the code:

internal class HeaderComboBoxCreationFilter : IUIElementCreationFilter


        public void AfterCreateChildElements(UIElement parent)


            if (parent is HeaderUIElement)


                EditorWithComboUIElement comboBoxUIElement = null;

                UltraGridComboEditorOwner embeddableEditor = null;

                EditorWithCombo editor = null;

                UltraCombo combo = null;


                combo = new UltraCombo();

                embeddableEditor = new UltraGridComboEditorOwner(combo);

                editor = new EditorWithCombo(embeddableEditor);

                comboBoxUIElement = new EditorWithComboUIElement(parent, embeddableEditor, editor, null, true, true, true, true);


                combo.DataSource = CreateColumnDataTable();

                combo.DisplayMember = "name";

                combo.ValueMember = "value";

                //combo.Text = "Text1";

                combo.SelectedRow = combo.Rows[0];

                combo.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.Indigo; // this does not have an effect

                combo.DropDownStyle = UltraComboStyle.DropDown;

                combo.DropDownButtonDisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.ButtonDisplayStyle.Always;


                comboBoxUIElement.Rect = parent.Rect;






        private DataTable CreateColumnDataTable()


            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

            dataTable.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));

            dataTable.Columns.Add("value", typeof(string));


            dataTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Name1", "Value1" });

            dataTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Name2", "Value2" });



            return dataTable;



        public bool BeforeCreateChildElements(UIElement parent)


            return false;


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