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Grid showing BIG RED CROSS on refreshing data

I am using UltrGridView to display hierarchical data in different bands (1 parent band and two child sibling bands). and on every row click i am refreshing the dataset binding by the following code 

this.ugvProducts.Invoke(new SetDataBinding(SetDataBindingMethod), DataSetFinal);

i am getting this BIG RED Cross Sign on the grid now and then as most of the time application runs correctly but some time it shows CROSS and application needs to be restarted in that case.thats a big problem

1-What causes it?

2-How can i correct it? 

No Data
  • 48586


    From the description of your issue, it seems that you are using DataSet as underling data source. DataSet automatically notify UltraWinGrid about the changes which are made on their tables, and also UltraGrid automatically update underling DataSet about the changes made from the customer (by default it notifies the underlying data source after the user leave the current active row).  Based on this if you are using datasets with same data schema, you do not need to rebind the grid and just update the underlying data source. So could you please let me know why you need to rebind the grid using invoke (can you just update the data in the underlying data source ? ) or what exactly I am missing in your scenario.

    Big red cross usually indicates cross thread issues. If you post simple sample that demonstrate this issue I will be glad to investigate this further for you.  

    I am waiting for your feedback
