Hi Mike,
When I load my datasource on my grid every name was setting good excepted the bands(0)
Bands(0).key = "List`1"
Bands(1).key = "SoumissionDetail"
My First Class is calling "Soumission" and second classe calling "SoumissionDetail"
Why is writing "List'1" on my first band ? and not "Soumission"
Hi Francois,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.
If you have set the Band data source to be a list it will have its Key as “List’1”. If you want to display something else as the band caption you will have to use code like:
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Header.Caption = "Soumission";
For the other bands the name will be determined by the name of the respective public property in the “parent” class.
Let me know if you have any additional question.
Just to clarify a little - the Key of the band comes from the DotNet BindingManager. If you are binding to a List<T>, then the BindingManager doesn't have any way to know the name of the variable you are using to reference the list, so it uses the type name. For the child bands, it knows the property that returns the child list, so it uses that as the key.