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Progress bar in WinToolBar

I have placed a ProgressBar in a Ribbon on a Toolbar, but I can't figure out how to access it's properties, such as setting it's Minimum, Maximum, and Value properties.

How do I access and set these values when the ProgressBar is embedded in a ToolBar ribbon.


  • 29105
    Offline posted


    Are you referring to our UltraProgressBar and attempting to modify the ProgressBar at design time or runtime? Can you please clarify your requirements and what you would ultimately like to achieve?

    I attached a sample that includes a UltraProgressBar inside a ControlContainerTool. There is a button on the form that sets the Min, Max, and value for the progress bar. The sample has been compiled with the latest version of Infragistics, VS 2012.

    I would very much like to use a sample as a means of communication to eachother. The sample will help illustrate your requirements.

    If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks.
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