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How do you set the DisplayStyle for an UltraExplorerBarGroup's TooltipText?

I have an Explorer bar control with a tree inside the group's container control.  I also have a ToolTipManager.  I am using the ToolTipManager to display tooltips for the tree - and the ToolTipManager's display style is set to bubble.  I am setting the tooltip for the group in it's ToolTipText property.  However that displays the tooltip in a rectangle.  How do I display it in a bubble like the tree?

  • 69832
    Offline posted

    To get a bubble-style tooltip for the UltraExplorerBar, you use the UltraToolTipManager, just like you did for the UltraTree. Don't set the ToolTipText property for the group, or it will try to display that text using its own internal (standard) tooltip. In fact, you should set the UltraExplorerBar.GroupSettings.ShowToolTips property to False, to prevent them from appearing at all. The UltraToolTipManager works outside of the object model of the control to which it is extended.

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