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Adding Button to column header

I am using NetAdvantage for .NET 2008 Vol. 2 CLR 2.0.

I have several questions regarding adding a button to a UltraWinGrid column header and having it do something useful.

Right now, I have managed to create the buttons by using a CreationFilter on the UltraWinGrid; i.e. I set

ugPatientList.CreationFilter = New AddUpdateButtonsCreationFilter()

in the form's Load event.

The function itself is pretty basic:

Public Function BeforeCreateChildElements(ByVal parent As Infragistics.Win.UIElement) As Boolean Implements Infragistics.Win.IUIElementCreationFilter.BeforeCreateChildElements
Dim value As Boolean = False

      If TypeOf parent Is HeaderUIElement Then 
          Dim btnElement As ButtonUIElement

btnElement = New ButtonUIElement(parent)

          btnElement.Rect = New Rectangle(parent.Rect.X + 2, parent.Rect.Y, _

                                          CInt(parent.Rect.Width * 0.55), CInt(parent.Rect.Height * .75))
btnElement.Text = "Update"

'Dim btnToolTip As Windows.Forms.Control = TryCast(parent.ToolTipItem, Windows.Forms.Control)

'btnElement.ToolTipItem = Infragistics.Win.ToolTip(btnToolTip)


value = True

     End If

     Return value

End Function


The buttons show up on every column header, but now the captions don't appear!  So I have four questions:

  1. What's the best way to have both the button and caption show up in the header?
  2. How can I turn the Hidden property of a button to True in a difference procedure (i.e. how do I reference the button object outside of this function)?
  3. How do I handle a button's Click-type event?
  4. How do I add a tooltip to the button?


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  • 9364

     Hi David, would you mind posting some code that you eventually implemented for getting the button and label?

    Also being very new to CreationFilter I am not sure  how your class AddUpdateButtonsCreationFilter()  relatesto the function BeforeCreateChildElements

     Lastly how did you resolve the tooltip question.

