Need to get the report name to repeat on each page.
I have five wingrids one for each report.
I am using: section.AddQuickText(uwTCtrl_MultiGridRpts.Tabs("Grid - 0").Text & ":")
to add the name of each report just before the grid on the PDF.
Is there any way to get that text to repeat on each page for each wingrid?
Also note I have a Header and footer that does appear on each page.
This text would be just below the header on each page.
Some of them grids can take more then one page to print out.
Hopefully that all made sense.
Hi Deasun,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.
Are you using UltraGridDocumentsExporter or are you exporting the grids manually? If you are using the UltraGridDocumentExporter you can handle the BeginExport event and then use code similar to this:
e.Setion.AddQuickText("Grid Header")
If you are adding the grids manually you will have to manually add the text as you are currently doing before adding the grid.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes I am using the UltraGridDocumentsExporter.
I just tried the Begin event with e.Setion.AddQuickText("Grid Header")
It appears to do the same thing as my current code:
section.AddQuickText(uwTCtrl_MultiGridRpts.Tabs("Grid - 0").Text & ":")
Which I am doing in a Sub. Note I currently have only on section created and each of my five grids goes into it. I know I know. :)
I am putting my code just after the following; .Export(uwGrid_MultiGridRpt0, section) with a pagebreak before it.
Thing is with both ways the text only appears at the beginning of the grid.
So if the grid goes over 2 or more pages, each page after the first does not get the text above it.
Hope that makes sense.
Thank you for the reply.
I am glad that you have found a solution to your issue. Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you for using Infragistics.
I ended up adding a section for each sub-report into the report.
Then using the sections header as repeating, to do what I need.
If you need the text on each page, you could use that every time the grid goes to a new page its headers are also exported. Because of this you can use the HeaderRowExported event and add the caption. In the event you can use code like:
e.ReportHeaderRow.Header.AddCell().AddQuickText(uwTCtrl_MultiGridRpts.Tabs("Grid - 0").Text & ":")